Performance and availability issues


After the access and performance issues were resolved yesterday we have now ascertained that all outstanding deliverables have been created and interfaced. Should you still notice something missing, please raise a request.

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The access issue should be resolved now. We will still be checking for impact and checking what we need to deliver.

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We have identified the root cause of the issue and are focusing on resolving this instead of providing a quick fix. We are aware that for some customers there currently is no access to the MXP system at all. We will still confirm any outstanding ERP interfaces for the customers who currently cannot access the system.

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We have escalated the issue as a P1 to our infrastructure provider and are waiting for their action.

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We are seeing on our monitoring that not all services are working at full health and have started investigating.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Web application
    • End-user
    • Controller
    • Other features
  • Authentication
  • Accounting settlements
  • Reporting
    • Insights