Disabling of TLS 1.1

Thursday, 10 March 15 minutes

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


The disabling of TLS 1.1 is being undertaken to maintain the highest security standards and promote the safety of your data as well as align with industry-wide best practices.

Once TLS 1.1 is disabled, any connection to MobileXpense services will require browsers, OS and Web-Services supporting a minimum of TLS 1.2.

On March 10th, 2022: TLS 1.1 will disabled for all connections to Mobilexpense services via browsers. Users should not experience any impact accessing Mobilexpense in their browsers unless they are using a non-supported browser or if they have disabled the supported encryption protocols.

To quickly test your browser compatibility, please try out our test page which has TLS 1.1 disabled. If you are able to view the confirmation message without errors, access to MobileXpense via your browser should not be impacted by this change. If you are experiencing an error, verify with your internal IT to confirm your browser and operating system are using safe connections.

As an additional test option TLS1.1 will also already be disabled for staging access on February 16th.

If you are interested in the technical implications you can learn more here: Wikipedia entry on TLS 1.1

TLS1.2 is supported from Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 11 onward, all versions of Microsoft Edge, Chrome versions 30 and newer and Firefox 27+

Kind regards, Your Mobilexpense team

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Affected components
  • Web application
    • End-user
    • Controller
    • Other features