Multiple databases and customers impacted, no accounting files generated for settlement December 15th


All files delivered for settlement December 15th. For eight setups on which the settlement failed entirely on December 15th the pending expenses were caught up by the December 16th settlement and creation of files was verified. The root cause of the issue was an overload of a crucial server in the scheduling of the settlement and file creation. Additional measures to prevent a recurrence will be planned.

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We have started to generate the files for the majority of impacted customers and will continue to analyse the impact in uncertain cases. The creation of accounting and PDF(scanned receipts) files should be finished before the end of December 17th

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As the analysis continues we have identified that the impact is extending to other processes than re-generation of files. Expanding on the analysis

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We are investigating an issue that caused the creation of accounting files and PDF(scanned receipts) files to fail over night 15/16 December. Impact is a large number of customers over several databases. The current assumption of the cause is an infrastructure issue as the process started but did not finish. We are in the process of identifying the full impact and will proceed to generate missing files as soon as possible.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Accounting settlements
  • Reporting